I'm going to stick to the blogs for the AB race, and for the Liberal race, I'll probably watch TV (CTV Newsnet of course). Should be fun.
On the AB race, check out this analysis; I don't agree with it all, but it's well worth reading.
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...
I'm going to stick to the blogs for the AB race, and for the Liberal race, I'll probably watch TV (CTV Newsnet of course). Should be fun.
On the AB race, check out this analysis; I don't agree with it all, but it's well worth reading.
Ignatieff's team is highly organized and there are repeated suggestions it has surprises planned — supporters planted in other camps for the first ballot for strategic reasons who will defect to Ignatieff on the second and third ballots to help push him over the top.
"We must give Canadians something to vote for, not just against and always with two key characteristics from my personal perspective," he said. "First, rock solid fiscal responsibility which enables everything else that we seek to achieve.Let's look back:
Interested in a recent poll in advance of Saturday's Liberal leadership race? (Boy is Saturday going to be a serious political junkie night!) The low down is that Iggy is likely first on the first ballot, but only 6% of those polled have him as their second choice. So it's wide open.Their [NDP] first budget projected a deficit of almost ten billion dollars, and enacted a series of spending programs to mitigate the worst effects of an economic lag...The government changed its economic focus after 1991, and implemented budget cutbacks to control the province's mounting deficit.
His government also brought in...austerity legislation which reopened collective bargaining agreements with the province's public sector unions. This legislation imposed a wage freeze and introduced what became known as " Rae days", giving civil servants (including teachers, doctors, nurses, etc.) ten days off without pay per year.There are reasons to support Rae, but I'm not sure fiscal responsibility ranks number one.
blogs: renewing the one party state, larry johnsrude and a site I wish I had found last night: the invisible hand, which had lots of live results last night. I'll definately be on that site next Saturday
Is the middle east beyond hope?
For more info, I've found these two blogs: albertadecides2006 and anybodybutdinning. Saturday is the day. If no one wins 50% of the votes, the rematch featuring the top 3 contenders is the following Saturday.
Update: a recent poll says Morton is basically tied for the lead, and 25% of members are undecided. But 17000 new members have been signed up and it really is going to come down to who has signed up more new members and who gets their vote out.
As far as he is concerned, Ottawa's money really belongs to the taxpayers — and one way to rein in future government spending is to give surplus cash back to Canadians. "Government doesn't have any money it hasn't taken from people in the first place," he says.
Ted Morton: B
Gary McPherson: B-
Mark Norris: C+
Lyle Oberg: C+
Victor Doerksen: C-
Jim Dinning: D+
Ed Stelmach D+
Dave Hancock: F (no response)
Milton Friedman, the grandmaster of conservative economic theory in the postwar era and a prime force in the movement of nations toward lesser government and greater reliance on free markets and individual responsibility, died today at He was 94 years old.
In Professor Friedman's view, government had the opposite obligation: to keep its hands off the economy, to let the free market do its work. He was a spiritual heir to Adam Smith, the 18th-century founder of the science of economics and proponent of laissez-faire: that government governs best which governs least.
The minister said the government prefers to see open competition within the market, leaving companies to fight for business amongst themselves. ''I am pleased to announce that our government has decided to change the CRTC's decision on VoIP,'' Bernier told the crowd. ''More specifically, we are telling the CRTC to start deregulating 'access independent' VoIP services.''
The move is an apparent snub by Beijing over the Conservative government's emphasis on human rights...
UPDATE: Is this much ado about nothing? China says the meeting is back onThere have been a number of irritants in Canada-China relations since the Tories took power in January, including the Celil case, the granting of honorary Canadian citizenship to the Tibetan exiled leader Dalai Lama, and accusations by Ottawa of commercial espionage by the Chinese. Tory MPs were also among the most vocal critics of religious persecution in China, in particular the treatment of members of the Falun Gong faith.
"The western powers created the Zionist regime in order to expand their control of the area. This regime massacres Palestinians everyday, but since this regime is against nature, we will soon witness its disappearance and destruction ," Ahmadinejad said.
If I could sum up their perspective on a very non scientific (opportunistic skim reading) look at the platform, it would be: heavy handed government regulation of almost every aspect of our lives, personal liberty be damned.2. Prohibit the use of pesticides for cosmetic purposes. (I didn't make this up) 64. Support pedestrian, cycle and car-sharing infrastructure in towns and cities.
108. Establish a federal program to end "roadside zoos," reduce the number of animals held in captivity, and create clear and enforceable standards for zoos across the country. (I also did not make this one up - the word zoo just jumped out at me) 137. Ban all non-natural pesticides and insecticides by the year 2010 and provide alternatives for farmers.
159. Fund a national housing program to build energy-efficient co-ops and affordable housing units. And my personal favorite: 216. Propose a reform of the WTO, the IMF and the World Bank, placing these institutions under the authority of the UN general assembly, and shift the direction of international trade away from "free trade" to "fair trade" focusing on the global protection of human rights, labour standards, cultural diversity, and ecosystems.
We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.
But he could split the Republican Party in half: he is way to the left of the party and the base on immigration, and issue that is volatile enough within the party, and he is too willing to court his own base (the media, by his own admission). Very, very few conservatives like him, although I suppose most could hold their nose if he was the nominee.
(Quick side note: a life long conservative Republican called in the the Hugh Hewitt show yesterday and said they would vote for Hillary! over McCain in 2008. If that sentiment is widespread, look out.)
So the 2008 race is McCain, Giuliani, and Romney. Is there a serious 4th option?
"It is the youth who are being actively targeted, groomed, radicalized and set on a path that frighteningly quickly could end in their involvement in mass murder of their fellow U.K. citizens,'' she said. "Young teenagers are being groomed to be suicide bombers."
This is not realignment. As has been the case for decades, American politics continues to be fought between the 40-yard lines. The Europeans fight goal line to goal line, from socialist left to the ultranationalist right. On the American political spectrum, these extremes are negligible. American elections are fought on much narrower ideological grounds. In this election, the Democrats carried the ball from their own 45-yard line to the Republican 45-yard line...
The result is that both parties have moved to the right. The Republicans have shed the last vestiges of their centrist past, the Rockefeller Republican. And the Democrats have widened their tent to bring in a new crop of blue-dog conservatives.
My 21st birthday happened to coincide with the final evacuation of Saigon. From my modest experience on the ground in that country, I knew what was coming next. The boat people were no surprise to me. I think that was the day I fully realized, in adult terms, that evil often prevails in this world. So this is nothing new.
The fate that will befall all those millions of courageous Iraqis, showing the dye on their fingers after they had voted -- in defiance of all the terror threats -- will not come as a surprise to me, either. They are being sold out, as the Vietnamese were before them. But the consequences of abandoning Iraq will come home to the United States and the West, in a way Vietnam never touched us.
The Democrats' victory in Tuesday's Congressional elections was a move in the right direction, the speaker said. Outgoing US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had stepped down to flee the Iraqi battlefield, "I tell the lame duck (US administration) do not rush to escape as did your defence minister. "The American people have taken a step in the right path to come out of their predicament... they voted for a level of reason," the voice said.
From a political and practical perspective, he should have resigned right after Bush's win in 2004. To have all of those military papers release an editorial on the weekend before the election saying the military had lost faith in him was devastating.
Apparently Bush has been thinking about replacing him for months, so it begs the question, why not in August? Why not show that you are listening, willing to be flexible, etc? How many seats could have been saved? The "stay the course" mantra and the impression that Bush was inflexible were likely responsible for a couple of points in each race where a conservative Democrat won. It's not inconceivable that the Senate could still belong to the Rs if Rummy had been let go a couple of months ago. And don't get me started on candidate recruitment.
A good round up of his tenure as SecDef can be found at NRO, with additional insight in the Corner. He will be remembered as a great public servant and a great leader, now tainted with this election loss, having overstayed his time.
We know he offered his resignation twice to Bush before 2004, so responsibility for this election and for Rumsfeld's end lies squarly with the man in the oval office. As it should.
But disagreeing with myself already, this polling is just shameful. Here's a shocker, right after the Cs broke their trusts promise and billions have been lost in the market, Canadians are (wait for it) unhappy. No kidding. But it's still C31-L28-N18. And the Ls have no leader. Wait until they do...
On the upside for the House, there is this post from the Corner:
Dem Wins [Larry Kudlow] Look at blue dog conservative Dem victories, and look at Northeast liberal GOP defeats. The changeover in the House may well be a conservative victory, not a liberal one. Blue dogs are rabid budget balancers. At tomorrow's news conference, President Bush should reach out to them, and to Republican base, with a spending limitation pay-as-you go proposal that gets to a balanced budget in a couple of years. Any spending increases (defense) must be offset with spending cuts (domestic pork). A spending limit paygo was used effectively by the Gingrich Congresses between 1995 and 1998, the high tide of their limited government period. And, this approach will head off a revenue paygo advocated by Pelosi, Spratt and Rangel that would lead to tax hikes.Posted at 12:11 AM And Arnold won in California.
Here's where I'll be tonight. I can only watch CNN since I can't get Fox News.
Surprise! the exit polls are bad news for the Rs. Don't give it a moment's consideration. It's going to be a long night. Stay with Hewitt for the latest.
"Canadians have prospered...Few countries have provided as shining an example of how to adapt and prosper in a post-freer trade world than Canada."The adjustment was not without pain, but the end result, after 18 years of free trade, has made the criticisms look frivolous...Exports have soared and foreign direct investment in Canada has risen substantially. Government coffers are full to overflowing, and Canada's fiscal situation is the envy of many a rich country. And while many of Canada's top companies have been bought by foreigners, often American, Canadian companies have been just as busy buying up U.S. firms, the study says.
Shiites and Kurds, who had been tormented and killed in the tens of thousands under Saddam's iron rule, erupted in celebration
The current front-runner, Michael Ignatieff, who leads on everything from first-ballot support to fundraising, appears the candidate most likely to stall. Dion is the leadership candidate most often picked when delegates are asked who their second choice is, and again when they are asked their third choice. Ignatieff, on the other hand, trails the other three top contenders in both categories.
Asked if there is "any candidate you would definitely NOT like to see win...23 per cent identified Ignatieff (Etobicoke-Lakeshore) and 18 per cent named Bob Rae, former NDP premier of Ontario. Gerard Kennedy, who resigned as Ontario education minister last spring, scored the lowest at 2 per cent.
It's got to be some sort of trick -- some cunning Conservative dodge, some deeply Roveian sleight of hand, in which what looks to the untrained eye like political suicide is revealed in the end to have been a political master stroke. Consider: At one blow, by suddenly reversing course and imposing a tax on income trusts, the Conservatives have infuriated old age pensioners, seriously put out Bay Street and destroyed $25-billion in wealth. Oh, and flat-out broken an explicit campaign promise from the last election -- just in time for the next. Confound your devilry, Jim Flaherty! It's so stupid, it's brilliant!
Flaherty acted to end what sensible people knew was a growing problem: You cannot build and maintain a national corporation-based economic system on a tax mistake that had the effect of wrecking the underlying corporate structure. A standard corporation paid income tax at 46% on profits, directly as a corporation and indirectly through shareholders. Converted to an income trust, the corporate tax became almost zero when paid into a pension fund or RRSP. Foreign investors paid 15%...The Flaherty fix puts an end to the tax gimmick. No gimmick, no trusts. All businesses will now pay the same corporate tax rates, regardless of their structure.