
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Friday, November 17, 2006

Alberta Premier's race - making the grade

The TaxPayers Federation has graded the men who would be premier on tax cuts, transparency and health-care privatization.  Complete results here.
Ted Morton: B
Gary McPherson: B-
Mark Norris: C+
Lyle Oberg: C+
Victor Doerksen: C-
Jim Dinning: D+
Ed Stelmach D+
Dave Hancock: F (no response)
Why do I post this?  Because it matters who is the next premier of Alberta.  Klein may have been a bit of a buffoon by the end, but he was still the best premier in Canada for most of his time in office.  Alberta leads the country in economic growth and fiscal policy (flat income tax, no sales tax).  The province has a boat load of money, incredible infrastructure demands, and basically no plan. 
The next leader matters - for Alberta and for Canada.


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