
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Friday, November 10, 2006

Shocker: McCain is in for 2008

ABC claims an exclusive on something everyone already knows. But he's setting up staff, office space, etc. Hugh Hewitt (and Rush Limbaugh for that matter) thinks McCain is to blame for losing the Senate and that his presidential campaign is over because of it. I agree he is partly to blame (Bill Frist just as much in my mind), but I also think he's well positioned to make a run.

But he could split the Republican Party in half: he is way to the left of the party and the base on immigration, and issue that is volatile enough within the party, and he is too willing to court his own base (the media, by his own admission). Very, very few conservatives like him, although I suppose most could hold their nose if he was the nominee.

(Quick side note: a life long conservative Republican called in the the Hugh Hewitt show yesterday and said they would vote for Hillary! over McCain in 2008. If that sentiment is widespread, look out.)

So the 2008 race is McCain, Giuliani, and Romney. Is there a serious 4th option?


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