
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Senate in doubt

The Virginia race is going to go to recount, and could be lost. The Montana race looks gone. Missouri could go either way. Ugly.

On the upside for the House, there is this post from the Corner:

Dem Wins [Larry Kudlow] Look at blue dog conservative Dem victories, and look at Northeast liberal GOP defeats. The changeover in the House may well be a conservative victory, not a liberal one. Blue dogs are rabid budget balancers. At tomorrow's news conference, President Bush should reach out to them, and to Republican base, with a spending limitation pay-as-you go proposal that gets to a balanced budget in a couple of years. Any spending increases (defense) must be offset with spending cuts (domestic pork). A spending limit paygo was used effectively by the Gingrich Congresses between 1995 and 1998, the high tide of their limited government period. And, this approach will head off a revenue paygo advocated by Pelosi, Spratt and Rangel that would lead to tax hikes.Posted at 12:11 AM And Arnold won in California.


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