
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Goodale Endorses Bob Rae

And without irony said:
"We must give Canadians something to vote for, not just against and always with two key characteristics from my personal perspective," he said. "First, rock solid fiscal responsibility which enables everything else that we seek to achieve.
Let's look back:

Their [NDP] first budget projected a deficit of almost ten billion dollars, and enacted a series of spending programs to mitigate the worst effects of an economic lag...The government changed its economic focus after 1991, and implemented budget cutbacks to control the province's mounting deficit.

His government also brought in...austerity legislation which reopened collective bargaining agreements with the province's public sector unions. This legislation imposed a wage freeze and introduced what became known as " Rae days", giving civil servants (including teachers, doctors, nurses, etc.) ten days off without pay per year.There are reasons to support Rae, but I'm not sure fiscal responsibility ranks number one.

Interested in a recent poll in advance of Saturday's Liberal leadership race? (Boy is Saturday going to be a serious political junkie night!) The low down is that Iggy is likely first on the first ballot, but only 6% of those polled have him as their second choice. So it's wide open.


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