Christians are coming...the Globe and Mail over reacts to the coming onslaught of people described as (I'm not making this up, and the quotes are in the article) "Christian, pro-family people".
Here's the headline, which ran above the fold:
Christian activists capturing Tory races
Some in party worry new riding nominees will reinforce notion of 'hidden agenda'
And here's how the article begins:
Christian activists have secured Conservative nominations in clusters of ridings
from Vancouver to Halifax -- a political penetration that has occurred even as
the party tries to distance itself from hard-line social conservatism.
But wait, the devil is in the details...
At least three riding associations in Nova Scotia, four in British Columbia, and one in suburban Toronto have nominated candidates with ties to groups like Focus on the Family, a Christian organization that opposes same-sex marriage.
A total of eight (8!) ridings have Christians running, and this is front page news!!! The quotes are pretty fair for the most part, even if they only one expressing concern lost his nomination riding to an evil "pro-family" person. But the tone is...ah...typically condescending:
Like Mr. Emmanuel, Dr. McVety expresses no uneasiness with his efforts.
I see - Canadians everywhere should be uneasy with the fact that Canadian citizens who believe in something more than the nanny state are winning nomination meetings.
Maybe next the Globe will discover that enviro wackos are winning Green party nominations, socialists are winning NDP nominations, and mobsters are winning Liberal nominations. Who knew?