
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Brilliant Mark Steyn column

No doubt, as before, Stephen Harper will be running as Boy George: the calmer calmer calmer calmer calmer chameleon...We Gomery obsessives don’t want just to change to a different set of corrupt officials. If it hadn’t been stinkingly corrupt, the “sponsorship” program would have been merely worthless...

The sponsorship racket is Canada’s Oil-for-Food scandal. Indeed, they functioned in remarkably similar ways. But, in fairness to Saddam, he’s a psychotic dictator from a ruthless bload-soaked basket-case of a state. What’s Canada’s excuse? ...

That being so, what bothers me is why the polls aren’t worse for the Liberals. What do they have to do for the average apathetic not-especially-political anglo-Canadian to let go? The minute an election’s declared, the CBC and The Toronto Star will come on side and we’ll stop getting features on adscam and start getting in-depth investigations on Tory plans to bring back back-street abortions and mandatory readings of Leviticus in gay bath-houses.

And, if they do win, life in Quebec will go on and the next scandal will involve billions and even more people will shrug, “Everybody does it.” No, they don’t. And, if the ones who do do it keep on doing it, they’ll cost us our country -- Mark Steyn


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