
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Saturday, May 14, 2005

News Roundup

New poll out, showing Liberal support "plummeting", including in Ontario and Atlantic Canada. AC has more (in fact his site rocks as usual). Maybe trying to buy everyone off is as transparent out east as it is here.

Speaking of buying people off, apparently Saskatchewan will get an additional $300M over 5 years for "education and labour-force development", but no energy accord. Oh, and it remains to be seen how much of that money has "already been announced".

New separation poll showing 54% in favour, but only if there is some kind of remaining association. Complete independence only garners 46%. Strange. Hey, whatever they want, as long as they take their half of the federal debt if they leave.

On the subject of polls, check this new site out from a friend of mine: Worth bookmarking and checking daily.

The globe and mail (motto: we're smarter than you) thinks Stephen Harper is too angry. But they can't even get their own story straight from day to pay.

Joe "No, not that klan" Volpe wants to Conservative MPs investigated by the RCMP. That guy has as much credibility as Paul Martin. By the way, when's the investigation in to inciting hatred against conservatives going to begin? They are an indentifiable minority in this country aren't they?

And finally, here is a must-read cheat sheet to the evidence presented so far at Gomery. It's about time - who can keep track of all the stuff that's been said?


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