
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Bomshell Number 3

AC is absolutely right - there is no bottom.

Here's a recording of the Liberals offering a Conservative MP a senate seat (or some other reward) in exchange for an abstention on the budget vote tomorrow. You cannot make this stuff up. (Listen here). Dosanj (our health minister) doesn't deny they were in discussions, but says it was the Conservative (Grewal) that approached them. Coyne has good commentary, as usual.

Warren Kinsella (Cretien loyalist and no Martin fan) is rightly appalled:

This isn't "a proposal," but it is my own truth: these people make me want to vomit. They're not Liberals. They're the people who are destroying the Liberal Party, perhaps for good. If given the chance, they will barter away the country, too, to satisfy their own ambition, and to satisfy their lust for a couple cheap headlines.

Canada, and Canadians, deserve better than this. If you are a Member of Parliament - or you know someone who is - listen to that bit of tape, and ask yourself:

Is this what it has come to, at long last? Is this what we deserve? Is this what we are going to get? And - most of all - isn't it time for a change?

Footnote: Bourque has this buried way down, underneath the "MacKay heartache" story, and a bunch of other stuff. Could that site be more pro-liberal? I check it every day, but come on Pierre...


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