New poll
Good news in the latest poll. P rojects to: C: 112 L: 100 NDP: 33 G: 0 IND: 1 BQ: 62 (Thanks to Mick for the projections and the tip.)
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...
Good news in the latest poll. P rojects to: C: 112 L: 100 NDP: 33 G: 0 IND: 1 BQ: 62 (Thanks to Mick for the projections and the tip.)
Department officials are said to be more concerned about preventing suicide bomb attacks at airports. Officials want screeners to focus more on finding things that can explode rather than things that are sharp.
Must read blog
Update: Harper has decided to stir things up right away, vowing a free vote on marriage. Is that even possible now? And how does it help the Cs in Ontario? I'm all for free votes, but wont the media just play it up?
Voter backlash over spending?Mixing my first-hand observations of the campaign with confidential input from several party strategists has produced a Christmas list of the naughtiest 2004 no-nos the Conservatives dare not repeat if they ever hope to be a government.
The election campaign that begins next week will be a tight race between the Liberals and Conservatives thanks to deep public cynicism over how Prime Minister Paul Martin's government has resorted to a massive spending spree to attract votes, a major new survey has found.
It is widely viewed that Zarqawi's use of suicide bombers, en masse, against the civilian population was a serious tactical mistake. Many Iraqis were galvanized and the caliber of recruits in the Army and the police forces went up, along with their motivation. It also led to an exponential increase in good intelligence because the Iraqis are sick of the insurgent attacks against civilians. The Kurds are solidly pro-American and fearless fighters.
According to [name redacted], morale among our guys is very high. They not only believe they are winning, but that they are winning decisively. They are stunned and dismayed by what they see in the American press, whom they almost universally view as against them. The embedded reporters are despised and distrusted. They are inflicting casualties at a rate of 20-1 and then see s*** like "Are we losing in Iraq?" on television and the print media.
For the most part, they are satisfied with their equipment, food and leadership. Bottom line, though, and they all say this: There are not enough guys there to drive the final stake through the heart of the insurgency, primarily because there aren't enough troops in-theater to shut down the borders with Iran and Syria. The Iranians and the Syrians just cannot stand the thought of Iraq being an American ally -- with, of course, permanent U.S. bases there.
The Canadian stock market hit its highest level in more than five years Thursday, led by dividend-paying stocks, after Ottawa said it will level the playing field with income trusts by cutting taxes on corporate dividends. Income trusts also soared....
"In a fit of wonderful, capitalist common sense, the government has gone and done the far better thing and has levelled the field by bringing the taxes on all other dividend income down," said Dennis Gartman, author of the popular Gartman Newsletter.
So what will the NDP and Conservatives counter with? The NDP will vow to take recind the corporate tax cuts, and outspend everyone on housing, the environment, and other social programs. The Conservatives will try to attract interest with a better tax cut platform, marginally less spending, getting rid of the gun registry, etc.
Probable election date is January 16 or 23, 2006.
Update: King Ralph lends a helping hand , in his usual, candid way...MacKay responds: bring on the duct tape
Update 2: Yup, $20B
Imagine if George W. Bush — elected president of the United States with overwhelming conservative Republican support — suddenly woke up one morning, called a press conference, and announced, "I believe Hillary Clinton was right about how to reform health care, and I hereby intend to implement her plan to nationalize America's health-care system."
Imagine then that a furious GOP demanded that President Bush at the very least hold a referendum within the party to decide whether embracing HillaryCare was really a good idea, and abide by its results. Now imagine that having lost that referendum decisively, and choosing to ignore the results, President Bush now asked Dick Cheney to step down and asked Hillary to serve as his vice president for the sake of "national unity."
Finally, imagine that having begun to implement HillaryCare and thus alienating most of the GOP, President Bush decided to bolt the party that nominated and elected him and create his own "centrist" party.
The motion – which was introduced by NDP Leader Jack Layton and supported by the Conservatives and Bloc Québécois – passed by a vote of 167-129 on Monday night...
Layton said he felt compelled to introduce the motion because an election was already looming and he didn't see any point in letting Liberal cabinet ministers use the holiday break to race around the country making big-ticket spending promises at the taxpayers' expense...
"Conservative Leader Stephen Harper said the Liberals' refusal to respect Monday's vote meant he would proceed with a plan to introduce a binding no-confidence motion on Thursday.
Being in preschool for more than six hours a day can be damaging to a young child's social and emotional development compared to children who stay home with their parents, researchers at the University of California-Berkeley, and Stanford University have concluded...
On average, the report found that the earlier children enter preschool, the slower their pace of social development, while cognitive skills are stronger when children are first enrolled between the ages of two and three.
Since the beginning of the year, the Liberals have announced nearly $100 billion in new spending over the next five years. Now, with an election in sight, they claim to be making $30 billion in tax cuts over the same period, but the bulk of that (more than 40%) won't kick in until the last two years, if it kicks in at all.One-hundred billion in spending, $30 billion in tax cuts and somehow that is supposed to impress us into reelecting Grits.
Since they balanced the budget in 1998, the Liberals have taken $500 billion -- half a trillion dollars -- out of the economy in extra taxes, above and beyond what they needed to keep spending at 1998 levels. Now they are promising to give back $30 billion (6%) and we are all supposed to believe the Libs have done us a favour.
It's happened before, in 1979, when that great political strategist Joe Clark managed to lose a confidence motion on the budget and opened the door for the return of Pierre Trudeau. Thanks again Joe.
My feeling is that an election now wont yield substantially different results unless a) the Liberals screw up the campaign b) the conservatives learn to campaign well for the whole 4 weeks or c) the media plays it fair d) Ontario decides it's had enough of the Liberals. I put the possibility at any of those happening at under 25%.
So my fearless predection is another Liberal minitory government...
Update: here's Goodale's mini budget/economic update (3rd budget this year, according to Monte Solberg's blog offering tax cuts (now and way off in the future) and increased spending...
"To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields."
[Excerpt from "In Flanders Fields" by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, Canadian Army]
And a Mark Steyn column worth reading on war and rememberance
The crew of a luxury cruise ship used a sonic weapon that blasts earsplitting noise in a directed beam while being attacked by a gang of pirates off Africa this weekend, the cruise line said Monday.
The Seabourn Spirit had a Long Range Acoustic Device, or LRAD, installed as a part of its defense systems, said Bruce Good, a spokesman for Miami-based Seabourn Cruise Line. The Spirit was about 100 miles off Somalia when pirates fired rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns as they tried to get onboard.
The subsidiary of Carnival Corp. was investigating whether the weapon was successful in warding off the pirates, he said. The ship's captain also changed its course, shifted into high speed and headed out into the open sea to elude the pirates, who were in two small boats, he said.