Since the beginning of the year, the Liberals have announced nearly $100 billion in new spending over the next five years. Now, with an election in sight, they claim to be making $30 billion in tax cuts over the same period, but the bulk of that (more than 40%) won't kick in until the last two years, if it kicks in at all.One-hundred billion in spending, $30 billion in tax cuts and somehow that is supposed to impress us into reelecting Grits.
Since they balanced the budget in 1998, the Liberals have taken $500 billion -- half a trillion dollars -- out of the economy in extra taxes, above and beyond what they needed to keep spending at 1998 levels. Now they are promising to give back $30 billion (6%) and we are all supposed to believe the Libs have done us a favour.
At 10:13 PM,
cardinal47 said…
Is your vote for sale?
The underlying premise of the Goodale economic update ("budget")yesterday is that your vote is for sale. The second premise is that you can be bought with your own taxpaper dollars. Are the Liberals correct in their cynical assumption that the majority of Canadian voters are prepared to forget and forgive the corruption and scandal of the past few years in return for a Christmas bribe of $400 or so? I hope not. Twelve years of Liberal administration is enough. As Mark Kennedy wrote in the Ottawa Citizen, "The goal of the mini-budget is clear. It's an attempt to buy votes to keep the scandal-plagued Liberals alive at the polls."
While the alternative(s) may be unpalatable, better to vote for one of the alternatives than to condone the practices of the current administration.Martin would like to pretend that his government is new and different but, as Finance Minister through the Chretien years, he has to share responsiblity for the actions and inactions of those years.
It's time for a change. Vote for an alternative. Teach them that we are not sheep, to be taken for granted.
At 10:39 AM,
jdp said…
I think you can tell from my blog that a) my vote is not for sale and b) I'm not real keen on the current liberal government.
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