
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Monday, November 14, 2005

Election fever in Canada

It's a strange sight, ne'er to be repeated, but the 3 opposition parties are united against the Liberals over when to call an election. They want a February election, but government says no way. Which means we could, and it's only a possibility here, have a non confidence motion and a defeat of the government this week, leading to...a December election! Yipee.

It's happened before, in 1979, when that great political strategist Joe Clark managed to lose a confidence motion on the budget and opened the door for the return of Pierre Trudeau. Thanks again Joe.

My feeling is that an election now wont yield substantially different results unless a) the Liberals screw up the campaign b) the conservatives learn to campaign well for the whole 4 weeks or c) the media plays it fair d) Ontario decides it's had enough of the Liberals. I put the possibility at any of those happening at under 25%.

So my fearless predection is another Liberal minitory government...

Update: here's Goodale's mini budget/economic update (3rd budget this year, according to Monte Solberg's blog offering tax cuts (now and way off in the future) and increased spending...


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