
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

NR analysis on Sharon's move

Imagine if George W. Bush — elected president of the United States with overwhelming conservative Republican support — suddenly woke up one morning, called a press conference, and announced, "I believe Hillary Clinton was right about how to reform health care, and I hereby intend to implement her plan to nationalize America's health-care system."

Imagine then that a furious GOP demanded that President Bush at the very least hold a referendum within the party to decide whether embracing HillaryCare was really a good idea, and abide by its results. Now imagine that having lost that referendum decisively, and choosing to ignore the results, President Bush now asked Dick Cheney to step down and asked Hillary to serve as his vice president for the sake of "national unity."

Finally, imagine that having begun to implement HillaryCare and thus alienating most of the GOP, President Bush decided to bolt the party that nominated and elected him and create his own "centrist" party.

Now welcome to Israel.



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