Stephen Harper and his new cabinet
So Stephen Harper is our new Prime Minister, and there were no shortage of surprises in his cabinet. More..., and more
- David Emerson crosses the floor (!) for a cabinet position. What? I thought the Cs were going to be different... (Goldy Hyder on CTV is saying that Emerson came to them)
- Jim Flaherty, Finance
- Peter MacKay, Foreign Affairs
- David Emerson, Int'l Trade
- Tony Clement, Health
- Gordon O'Connor, Defence
- Vic Toews, Justice
- Rona Ambrose, Environment
- Stockwell Day, Public Safety
- Monte Solberg, Citizenship
27 ministers, almost everyone with experience at the provincial level. No Diane Ablonzy...With Emerson crossing the floor, apparently the NDP can play king maker again: C 125 L 102 B 51 N 29 Ind 1. So 125+29=154 (but -1 for speaker?), and the opposition would be 102+51+1=154. Maybe they will ask someone from the opposition to be speaker?
But why would you want the NDP to be kingmaker? Doesn't make much sense to me...
At 5:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
What a blunder!
Just sworn in and Harper shows his arrogance and political immaturity in these ways. It should not really be a surprise to us, though: he is used to running things “my way or the highway”, and this breathtaking arrogance in doing a 180 degree turn on parliamentarians who change parties, really takes the cake!
These crass steps just confirm the views of the voters in Canada’s big cities: don’t trust a man who runs a stealth campaign, hiding many of his policies.
Going to be a very interesting 12 months!
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