
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Election thoughts

This morning I'm cautiously optomistic.  I like Harper, think he's smart, and hope he can be a great PM. I was hoping for more from Atlantic Canada and from Ontario, but it was not to be.  Negative advertising, fear, and outright lying seem to really work in certain areas of the country.


The NDP are up from 18 to 29, which is ok and reflects a decent campaign.  If we've learned anything about Jack, it's that he is pragmatic.
There are some areas of common ground in the new parliament, like accountibility and mandatory minimum sentances, and maybe something can be done on the environment.  The GST cut will probably pass too - which party wants to be on record opposing that?
The tougher issues will be around childrcare, corporate taxation, and maybe healthcare - although the Bloc and the Liberals might support something moderate or middle of the road.


Martin retiring is not a surprise really, although it seems a little sudden.  His speech was very gracious and avoids an ugly internal fight.  But all the same it's a little sad.  A man who only 3 years ago held such incredible promise has come to such a disasterous end.   Majority, minority, now opposition and retirement.


I'm also surprised that all the turncoats got re-elected.  Brison, Stronach, seems voters are fickle that way.  On the one hand no one lin the public seems to like it when an MP crosses the floor, on the other hand, they aren't punished either.

All in all, I think we are still digesting the results .  Don't miss Paul Wells (could he be more mysterious?) and Andrew Coyne.


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