
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Chavez is ruining Venezuela

A strongly worded commentary on what is happening in one of the last bastiens of socialism.

The objective of eliminating private property in Venezuela is precisely that: to begin the ''stable-ization'' of society, so it can be dominated without pity. Institutions will become stables... Frightened families will crack into hostile segments. Parliament will dictate the laws needed to keep Venezuelans under a tight rein, while the courts -- docile to the executive's authority -- will deal mercilessly with any transgression of their deliberately vague and imprecise standards, so the sanctions imposed may be in accordance with the interim needs of the revolution.

Once the circle of terror has been closed, there will be no free press, and the only voices of protest will be the screams of the victims. Worst of all will be the widespread indifference to such monstruous acts.

It has always been thus.


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