
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Friday, September 30, 2005

Outstanding blog

Just what is the free-market alternative? Hong Kong was a beacon of freedom and still could be but things have been looking bad since Red China moved into town. People are singing from the same hymn book, only in different pitches of, 'How much state expansionism should occur this year?'

Maybe it's time that we all vote for the NDP and Ralph Nader and stop the Chinese water torture once and for all so that we can learn what the punishment will feel like in the end? Perhaps then we won't make the same mistakes again?
Today instead of playing the usual game of, 'who can best match the NDP's ideas' I figure we should discus a legitimate alternative to the hymnbook that New Democrats, Liberals, and Conservatives are all chanting from…


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