
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Conservatives tank

I hate polls lately...this one continues the trend.

Liberals: 34 per cent (27), +7 Conservatives: 26 per cent (31), -5 NDP: 19 per cent (20), -1 Greens: Nine per cent (7), +2 Bloc Quebecois: 13 per cent (14), -1

Clearly the Conservatives have performed badly, and the media has given them terrible coverage. I've read a number of columns lately about the need for a major change, how Harper has insulated himself, etc. I like Harper, but it seems much of Canada isn't going to warm to him. Is it too early to start looking at a leadership change? If Conservatives can't be 20 points ahead with all that's gone on, something is seriously wrong.

I suppose if Belinda hadn't been so trecherous, we wouldn't even be having this discussion...


  • At 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This is entirely the media's fault. Not to sound like a tinfoil hat wearer, but you have to wonder why the focus has been on the "edits" in the tape, rather than the content, and on Grewal's immigration rather than Dosanjh's breach of ethics.


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