
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Paul Wells says what I was thinking

Like everything else in the second Goodale budget, the corporate tax cuts are rolled in over several years — there are almost none immediately, then more later, so the $4.6 billion is radically back-loaded. But for argument's sake, it averages to $922 million per year over five years...
My minimal point is that we have these national debates with incredibly high political stakes and you so rarely see anyone pause to explain the relative scale of things
What's more, since the cuts don't actually come in to effect for a couple of years, there is no point in even debating them, because no one expects the Liberals to survive the next election.
This budget is dead, and especially the years beyond this one. They are deader than dead.

Oh, but Martin has to decide today if we want to play ball. He's sent signals both ways. (insert snide comment here)


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