
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Liberal Friendly Headlines

It's amazing to me that the major headline involving the sponsorship scandal today in the Canwest papers is "Martin turn tables, attacks opposition". Editors in this country must just be dying to quell the press that the Liberals are deservedly getting lately, but considering the actual exchange in the House of Commons, it's just bizzare. Martin's feable responses got crushed by both Harper and Duceppe, and yet he get's the headline?

"As the Bloc leader has designs on the leadership of the Parti Quebecois, does he intend to ask for an inquiry into the $100,000 received by the Parti Quebecois from Groupaction?" Martin asked during an especially raucous question period. "If the prime minister is so eager to ask questions, he'll have that chance soon when he finds himself in the opposition...So Ali Baba (and his 40 thieves) can keep quiet over there," Duceppe said, his face turning bright red. ..."So I guess the Keystone Krooks stole the money and gave it to the wrong people," Harper said...[and then he] challenged Martin to tell taxpayers, "that not one red cent of their money went to the separatist cause in Quebec in the name of national unity." Martin instead castigated Harper over Conservative ties to Quebec nationalists and suggested the Conservatives and Bloc are working against the interests of Canada. "I am delighted [do you notice that Martin uses that word a lot? - ed] that after so many months of an attempted co-habitation, that finally, the leader of the Opposition recognizes the threat of the separatist cause and the problem that he has working hand-in-hand with them," Martin said to cheers from Liberal benches.

Harper could scarcely believe the prime minister's logic. "Is this the best defence the Liberal party has to offer - that the separatists are just as big crooks as the Liberals?"


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