
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Adscam testimony

Ian at is braver than I am (I tremble in fear of the nanny-state crushing my already diminished legal rights here in Trudeaupia), so you can find all the details of the secret (oohh-aahh) testimony adscam here. Basically the Liberal party in Quebec is full of corruption and cronyism, and thought they had a win-win-win situation: fight separatism, give contracts to their friends, and recycle public money back in to their own party. And he's absolutely right - why can journalists, politicians, and anyone who wanders in the courtroom, have access to the testimony, but not the rest of us? It's idiotic and demeaning. Plus, the jury pool will likely come from Quebekers, so can't we just ban the coverage there? :) It's important to note the first real impact of the blogosphere on Canada, and to realize we are watching history in the making. The internet changes everything. Didn't you know?


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