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The Toronto Sun is reporting that both the Liberals and the Parti Quebecois (not the Bloc as I wrote earlier - thanks Ian) received kickbacks from sponsorship money in Quebec:
The exec said the president of Groupaction, Jean Brault, made no secret around the company about where the kickback cash was going and for what. "He spoke to me about it ... having to pay money back to the Liberal Party" in return for contracts... But another former Groupaction executive, Alain Renaud, said that while the firm was getting millions of dollars in federal sponsorship money, it was secretly cutting cheques to the separatist Parti Quebecois.
That should change the tone of the debate a little, and probably make the Bloc a little less eager to pursue the whole story. And these facts didn't come out of the Gomery inquiry, so they can be published and discussed in the House of Commons. Gee, I wonder if it will come up?
At 12:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
It should be noted that the PQ and the Bloc are separate parties, and it was the PQ who got the money while they were the Quebec provincial government.
At 6:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
I guess the bigger story here - and I didn't even catch it until seeing it in the Question Period - is, why was federal money earmarked to promote federalism going to the separatists?
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