
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Friday, April 15, 2005

CBC Poll

CBC released a poll last night that has the Conservatives slightly ahead nationally, but slighlty behind in Ontario, which is strange to me. Do they just love Liberal scandals, or what? Micky averaged out the poll numbers from the last week and his projection looks like this:
C 126 L 74 N 43 B 64
But a Conservative minority govenment makes me think about Joe Clark in 1979, and how eager all three parties will be to defeat any bill related to taxes, marriage, the military, the environment, and who know what else. Maybe they can find some consensus on a few things, but that just means the Conservatives will become Liberal-lite. Still, maybe that's what needs to happen.


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