
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

PG outearns R

Nice to see: PG titles grossed $2.3 billion domestically, compared to $2.1 billion for R-rated films...PG-13 movies did the most business with $4.4 billion. Five of 2004's top-10 moneymakers were rated PG...Out of the top 25, only four carried R ratings, which prohibit those younger than 17 from attending unless accompanied by an adult. It's also encouraging as a parent to see the quality of G and PG rated movies. I've watched Finding Nemo about a gazillion times (only slightly less than Toy Story 2), and it's still good each time. My only complaint is that the rating system seems to be sliding a bit, with more language and inappropriate content sneaking in to PG movies...but still, I'm happy R-rated movies are making less money. Especially considering the sheer number that are made.


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