
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Credit where credit is due

"What if Bush ... has been right about this all along? I feel like my world view will not sustain itself and I may ... implode." - Jon Stewart This whole article is a must read, summarizing what has changed in only a few months. He makes a number of great points and asks a very important question: Why now?
Matched against tyranny at its point of maximum cruelty, people power is useless...Because until now the forces of decency in the region were alone and naked, cynically ignored by an outside world content to deal with their oppressors. Then comes America, not just proclaiming democratic liberation as its overriding foreign policy principle but sacrificing blood and treasure in the service of precisely that principle. It was not people power that set this in motion. It was American power. People power followed.


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