
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Internet free speech crackdown

This is actually quiet unbelievable. The US Federal Election Commission is trying to extend the horrendous 2002 campaign finance law to the Internet. It's unclear how they will proceed, but after U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly (of Microsoft fame) ruled that the Internet is no longer exempt, it looks like any campaign related activity on the Internet will fall under the FEC's jurisdiction. I think that means if you are located in the US and forward a campaign's mailout, link to their site, blog about a candidate or party, or who knows what else, that activity would count as a contribution and you could find yourself over the rediculouly low $2000 limit. (Note to new readers: rediculous is an intentional mispelling; you're smart people, figure it out). I don't think I can overstate the seriousness of this. It means the government can tell bloggers and heck even grandma's with email what they can and can't do, and potentially levy fines. As a Canadian, we have our own problem in the area of campaign finance law, but I don't think we've even gone this far. Where's the outrage?


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