
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Frank McKenna rules

I really like our new ambassador to the US, Frank McKenna. He is such a straight shooter and apparently doesn't care if it gets him in to trouble; remember when he said we are already a part of ballistic missile defense? That was less than 2 weeks ago. Now he's linking BMD with what's happening on trade issues, asserting that Canadians aren't big fans beacuse of the softwood lumber and other trade disputes. Leaving aside the fact that his assertion is only partly true - BMD isn't real popular becuase there is so much disinformation and because the idea doesn't have a champion (see here) - it is amazing that McKenna is willing to link the two issues. It's apparently never been done before. But it get's better. He moved on to US frustration with Canada: "I think, with some justification, the United States of America has looked at us and felt that we have not been carrying our full share of the load in terms of defence. In some ways, as Canadians, we have been sailing our ship in yesterday's wind...We have lived off our reputation as peacekeepers and we haven't put our resources where our mouth is." That is a money quote if I've ever seen one. He's saying his own government is full of crap. And this is his first day on the job. You've got to love this guy.


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