
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Flat tax

I've always been attracted to the idea of a flat tax - the simplicity and fairness of the scheme just makes so much sense to me. So I really enjoyed reading this article on NRO. Did you know that eight different countries in the former Soviet bloc that have adopted some form of flat tax in recent years? Russia, Slovakia, Romania, Georgia, Estonia, Latvia, Serbia, and Ukraine. And Poland and the Czech Republic will likely join them soon. Some of the other key benefits:
  • it's far more effective at raising revenue than progressive rates
  • there is less incentive to engage in tax avoidance or tax evasion
  • it is the revenue-raising system that is most compatible with human freedom

I realize that we would have to give up the exemption for charitable giving and a whole host of other things, but so what? If the system was fair and at a reasonable rate, it would be sooo worth it. So let's put all the beaurocrats and tax lawyers out of business, and make life easier for everyone.


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