Everything going Bush's way
Lefties will argue it's not fast enough or far enough, or it's not real, or find something else to grouse about, but everything seems to be going Bush's way. Egypt is taking the first steps of democratic reform. People are asking "Why not here" in Lebanon and Palestine. In Iraq, there is real political debate amidst the admittedly too frequent violence. Oh, and they had successful elections that shut virtually every naysayer and critic up for at least 24 hours.
In the recent past the Ukraine demonstrated their support for legitimate democracy and wowed the world. There were successful elections in Afghanistan. Howard was reelected in Australia; Bush won reelection in the U.S. Blair looks like he will win in Great Britain. That's because they get the one big thing, according to Mark Steyn.
Things are far from perfect - there are real problems to be faced in Iran, North Korea, Syria, in Africa, and closer to home in Venezuela - but the trend is clearly up, and in Bush's direction.
At 3:57 PM,
Micky said…
Great line: "All the Democrats needed last November was their own Tony Blair – on the war, tough, moral and credible, and a big pantywaist on health, education and the rest of the touchy-feely stuff. "
It is a shame the opposition parties don't grasp the importance of the war against terrorism.
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