
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Apparently, we're not in

There's been no official announcement, but the U.S. government seems to have been told that we wont be participating in their anti-ballistic missile shield. It's a popular move with the left here, but it makes no sense considering the US is going to do it whether we are on board or not. As Tony Blair has demonstrated, it's better to be in the club and have a say then on the outside carping. Paul Wells has the best take on Martin's approach to the whole thing:
Frank McKenna commits a gaffe in the classic Michael Kinsley manner: he foolishly says what's actually going on. Hijinx ensue. Before dusk, Paul Martin has made a decision he had been proud of not making for months on end. This is the new Martini trope, incidentally: Yes, dammit, we're proudly indecisive — until the precise moment when we decide it's time to decide whether to decide. Government by gaffe. We always knew Martin would find a way to innovate.


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