It is now official. Stephan Dion has pulled of a most improbable win, coming from 4th place to win 57% of the delegates at the convention. I don't think I read or heard anyone say that this was a possible outcome, so it's a significant upset and a huge story.
Quick thoughts:
- It was close, but not that close.
-The deal that Kennedy made with Dion after the second ballot was huge.
- Why didn't Rae go to his buddy Iggy? That could have saved him.
- Iggy was obviously not a good fit for the Liberals; he didn't have a single high profile endorsement when he needed it.
- Brison was the only guy who went to Ignatief (does that make him a three time loser? -ed)
- How will Dion play in Quebec? He's a "hardline" federalist
- How will Dion play in the rest of the country? His English is ok, but not great.
- It will be Dion vs. Harper in the next election - the race begins now for an election in 2007
- That election will be fought over two main key issues: Quebec (the federal/provincial balance) and the environment