
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Monday, September 18, 2006

A global war

In Somalia, Islamic extremists have killed an elderly nun.  As David Frum put it: stop calling Islam violent or we'll kilil more nuns.
In Afghanistan, 4 Canadians and 27 civilians have been klled by a suicide bomber on a bicycle, who also injured a number of others including some children.
In Iraq, bombers and gunmen have killed over 40 people, and the country is bracing for more as Ramadan approaches.  Also in that country, extremists are calling for a war on Christians over the pope's recent comments.
And in Thailand, Islamiic extremists set of bombs in a downtown area killing 4, including a Canadian yesterday.
Add to that all the recent plots uncovered in the US, Canada and Britain, and the war in south Lebanon, can there be any doubt that this is a global war with Islamic radicals? 


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