
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Sunday, March 19, 2006

The unfolding evidence in Iraq

This is what historians call a primary source.  Lots of new material, some of dubious credibility, but all of it undermining the standard position of "Iraq was not a threat" and "Iraq had complied with the UN weapons inspectors". 

It's clear that Saddam's regime was actively working to deceive inspectors, and was hoping just to wait it all out so they could restart whatever chemical, biological, or nuclear program they had. 

Who knows what else we will find out about in the next weeks and months.

The paranoid conspiracy theorist in me thinks this is all a Rovian plan to release stunning information in the spring of 2008 that will a) redeem Bush and b) sink the Democrats.  Now that would be cool.


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