
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Saturday, March 11, 2006

A new approach at the UN

Canada voted against a controversial resolution on Palestinian rights at the United Nations yesterday...The previous Liberal government had abstained on the identical resolution last year. But on instructions from Ottawa, the Canadian delegation at the UN joined the United States to vote against a non-binding motion calling on Israel to allow all Palestinian refugee women and children to return to their homes.

The South-African-sponsored resolution was adopted by the UN Economic and Social Council by a vote of 41-2 with only Canada and the United States voting against it.

Sure it sounds cruel: women and children not being "allowed to return to their homes"...but isn't it time for everyone to get past the idea of "refugees" in this case?  Aren't the Palestinian people really just pawns in a (very successful) attempt to keep world opinion against Israel and milk money from rich countries?



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