
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Monday, January 23, 2006

Why you should vote

Why should we vote at each and every opportunity?

I'm not going to bore you with bromides about civil duty. Vote because if you don't, at some point some miserable cuss will take the right away from you. Or some pompous I-know-better-than-you type will decide you're not interested enough or well-informed enough and -- wait for it -- take away your vote in the name of preserving democracy.

Don't think it could happen? Elections Canada and our benighted political class have already taken away your right to speak out during an election, the right of organizations you belong to speak out (except for registered political parties), your right to donate as much of your money to whomever you want in an election, and your right to spoil your ballot in protest -- all in the name of preserving freedom and democracy.

So just get up right now and go vote, while you still can. -- Lorne Gunter


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