
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Campaign update

Where to start? Recent polling shows very little movement, despite all the policy announcements and debate over ideas. Look for the campaign to go negative after Christmas to get those numbers loosened up a little.

Martin announced that a Liberal government will ban all handguns. All of 'em, except for the police and collectors. Never mind that most crimes committed with handguns are committed with illegal handgunds already. But this is a good wedge issue, and good politics, even if it is terrible policy. (What? Criminals commit crimes? Use illegal handguns?) To be fair there is also talk of more police officers and border enforcement.

Belinda Stronach's safe in her riding, despite crossing the floor. Probably.

Yesterday there was a lot of hot air on Kyoto. Believe what you will...

Finally, it looks like Goodale's office did leak something on the income trust announcement.


  • At 8:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    CARP is now saying that the whole story was invented by Warren Kinsella.

    Too bad Monte Solberg already called for Ralph Goodale's resignation. That will probably backfire on the Conservatives.

  • At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Check this video out having to do with handguns. It's pretty funny. I found the story on Small Dead Animals.

    Here's the link. Look for the "Interview Gone Wrong" video.


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