
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Friday, October 14, 2005

PM not a big fan of PM

Paul Wells comes out swinging against Paul Martin in his blog:

You see, Martin has surrounded himself with people who tell him, reassuringly, that a bunch of bank economists represent nothing more than "elite thinking" on questions like the nation's prosperity. They tell him it would be clever to spend nearly all of the surplus on bribes to premiers, then cut cheques for a third of what little remains and mail it to you and me, because you and I are drooling mouth-breathers who don't know what's good for us unless it arrives in the mailbox.

Meanwhile other countries, whose PMOs benefit from adult supervision, are getting on with the serious business of the world. Paul Martin staged a coup to get this job. He made the most successful political party in the Americas toss out a three-time winner so he could have this job. And this is what he's doing with it. One assumes he's proud of himself.


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