
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Iraqi constitution adopted

Good news from Iraq, as Iraqis voted 79-21 in favour of adopting the constitution.  Sunnis opposed it to some extent, but as Christopher Hitchens points out, we don't know what we are talking about when it comes to Iraqi divisions and particulars.
When it comes to Iraq, one of the most boring and philistine habits of our media is the insistence on using partitionist and segregationist language that most journalists would (I hope) scorn to employ if they were discussing a society they actually knew...To be a Sunni or a Shiite is to follow one or another Muslim obedience, but to be a Kurd is to be a member of a large non-Arab ethnicity as well as to be, in the vast majority of cases, a Sunni. Thus, by any measure of accuracy, the "Sunni" turnout in the weekend's referendum on the constitution was impressively large, very well-organized, and quite strongly in favor of a "yes" vote. Is that the way you remember it being reported? I thought not.


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