Fantastic Pick
I've said for a while that whoever Bush picks to replace the Miers nomination will be a pretty good indicator if he has learned anything from what happened. Thankfully, he has.
So consistently conservative, [Samuel] Alito has been dubbed "Scalito" or "Scalia-lite" by some lawyers because his judicial philosophy invites comparisons to conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. But while Scalia is outspoken and is known to badger lawyers, Alito is polite, reserved and even-tempered.
Frum likes the choice, and he was high on almost everyone's list. Conservatives I mean. The Democrats are already rumbling about extremism, so it should be a good fight.
At 9:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Just to let you know I read your blog.
At 8:49 PM,
Micky said…
Uh oh, now you will have to clean up the language and stop with the bawdy stories since your dad reads.
Anyway, great pick is right. Better than Miers, better than Roberts, just a great pick.
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