Nine New Senators
Paul Martin has appointed 9 new senators to Canada's unelected upper chamber, including 6 Liberals, 2 PCs and 1 NDP (first one ever). The list includes retired General Romeo Dallaire, of Rwanda genocide fame, and disgraced former cabinet minister Art Eggleton. The rest of the list include long time Martin backers, so the Senate continues in it's tradition of being the ultimate reward for political support and outlet for patronage in Canadian politics.
None of the elected senators from Alberta were chosen. Instead, Martin nominated a former provincial cabinet minister under Tory premier Don Getty and a social activist, feminist, and two-time Ontario provincial candidate. Neither will sit in the new conservative party - they are Progressive Conservatives. Nice.
At 1:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
We really need some form of Senate reform. I'm for an American-style system where each province elects, say 4 senators, and the territories each get 2... 46 is a better number to be paying than 105 anyways... and their votes on stuff actually count.
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