Terri Schiavo is "aware, conscious and responsive"
A nobel prize winner in medicine, DR. BILL HAMMESFAHR, on Terri's condition:
HAMMESFAHR: Terri is completely aware and conscious and responsive. She is like a child with cerebral palsy. We have kids in the Pinellas County school system every day that are much worse than her, that we're educating. HANNITY: Doctor, wait a minute. I've got to get this straight here. You were nominated to get a Nobel Peace Prize in this very work. Are you saying that this woman could be rehabilitated? HAMMESFAHR: Absolutely. HANNITY: Could she talk one day? HAMMESFAHR: Yes. HANNITY: Then how is it possible we're in this position if you have examined her, you were up for a Nobel Prize. I -- this is mind boggling to me. HAMMESFAHR: I don't understand it myself. You know, this is a -- this is a case of a terrible error that's happened and it's a grievous case.
At 11:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Two points for pondering:
First, you can find an expert who's willing to support anything. Frankly, a neurologist willing to make a diagnosis based in part on a videotape provided to him by a party with a vested interest in the outcome is riding the edge of quackery. And, despite what he implies, the majority of the physicians who have made the determination of the vegetative state have been court-appointed, meaning they should be at least as unbiased as he claims to be.
Second, at this point, it's moot as to whether or not she may one day recover. Her legal guardian has said, and the court has upheld, that her wish in a situation such as this one would be to be disconnected. End of story.
I think some of you who are so quick to jump to her defence should spend some time in her condition. Try this experiment: blindfold yourself, put cotton balls in your ears, tape your mouth shut and tie yourself to a bed. See how long you last.
A question: would it be okay to keep Terri Schiavo in this condition indefinitely? For 50 years? 30? 20? Personally, I wouldn't want to be that way for one year, let alone fifteen.
At 11:28 PM,
jedmunds said…
I just hope she hurries up and dies before my friends on the secular left can be proved wrong by Sean Hannity and this "Nobel-nominated" doctor. Damn you Fox News! This country was a much better place when the liberal you-know-who's who control the media had complete power over what people knew.
At 6:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
Nice attempt at sarcasm there, but if you'd read the transcript of the follow-up interview with Dr. Cranford, you'd have to wonder why these guys are allowed into broadcast journalism at all - they hear exactly what they want to hear.
At 2:56 PM,
jdp said…
This guy basically admited she responds to stimulae, but that people that doen't meet his value equation should be killed. That's a great side to be on.
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