
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Friday, October 06, 2006

Londonistan indeed

Further evidence of Europe's Islamification: A British parliamentarian has asked women to unveil their faces while in his office, and the muslim community in Britain is outraged.

The Lancashire Council of Mosques described Straw's comments as "ill-judged and misconceived" and said many women found them "offensive and disturbing." ..."We're really astonished that someone so senior and responsible as Mr. Straw would make such a statement," chairman Massoud Shadjareh told reporters.

But perhaps there is a silver lining to all of this:

Meanwhile, calls to re-examine almost 40 years of Britain's multi-cultural 'experiment' are increasing, in particular from politicians and academics. A study carried out recently by the University of Leicester, England, stated that multi-culturalism had 'failed' and should be replaced by a policy aimed at integration.

"It was a concept and a social re-engineering policy with the best of intentions, but with little debate at grass-roots level," said Asaf Hussain, co-author of the study.

"Multi-culturalism has failed. Britain's population has to become integrated."

Gee, a well intentioned, big government policy that hasn't worked out.  Shocking.  On that note, I'm listening to Mona Charen's " Do Gooders" about Liberal policies and the unintended and harmful consequences.  I've had to skip sections because they are too depressing and/or upsetting. 
I'm also reading (really reading - not listening to) America Alone by Mark Steyn.  It's a discouraging look at demographic trends and the fecklessness of the modern west.  But I highly recommend it - it's classic Steyn!


  • At 5:49 PM, Blogger Micky said…

    I'm surprised that is Jack Straw, he is high up. I thought he didn't understand the terrorist threat and war and just followed the poltically correct way of things.


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