
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Scary title warning: Abortion survivors

This is a compelling read by a women who was supposed to have been aborted, along with her husband, father, and a few others in her family.  I highly recommend it.

The Web site of Ms. Magazine--yes, it still exists--is calling on readers to sign a petition: "I have had an abortion. I publicly join the millions of women in the United States who have had an abortion in demanding a repeal of laws that restrict women's reproductive freedom."

Well, so much for the right to privacy. If Ms. readers hadn't had so many abortions, there might be more Ms. readers. As for the rest of us, here's a petition we could all sign: "I wasn't aborted."

Having narrowly escaped being aborted, I'd be the first in line.


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