
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Rick Mercer

This is hard for me, because I never, ever, ever thought I would say there is a show on CBC that is a must watch every week.  But there is. 
I set my PVR to record the Rick Mercer Report every week, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.  Ok, maybe a little.  But it's that good.  Sure he's a little left wing, but he's an equal opportunity critic, and is having a ton of fun at the expense of the Liberals.   Check this video out; there is another one I couldn't find where Rick is in a hotel room with all the Liberal hopefuls.  Awsome!  How does he get all of the MPs to do this kind of stuff?  For another example, here's Rona (no last name required) making maple syrup.
The whole show is pretty good, and the spoofs and political stuff are excellent.  Drop on by and set your PVR to record it.  What?  You don't have a PVR?  You have no idea what you're missing.  I can't go back.


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