
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Saturday, January 14, 2006

G&M endorses the Conservatives

1. While the past 12 years have been relatively good ones, the law of diminishing returns has been eroding Liberal effectiveness since at least the 2000 election. A change of leadership in 2003 has failed to reverse the process.

2. Then there is this matter of the culture of entitlement that has taken deep root within the Liberal Party.  C. D. Howe may have been arrogant in invoking closure before debate even began on the pipeline bill in 1956, but at least he didn't hold up his chewing gum and announce he was entitled to his entitlements.

3. Change is essential in a democracy.  A perpetual lease on 24 Sussex Drive fuels the sense of entitlement that blurs the line between private gain and public good. Just as bad, a perpetual lease on Stornoway discourages the discipline and moderation required of an alternative government.


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