
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Sunday, September 18, 2005


Who knows how these all fit together? Only by the thread of my interest...

I didn't catch much of Bush's speech the other night, and what I did see was kind of disappointing. I'd like to see them look at other options for New Orleans, in the foolish belieft that building a city below sea level is just asking for trouble. But hey, I've been wrong before. Donna Brazile, the Gore 2000 campaign manager, wrote an op ed and is on W's side. Who can tell how these things will turn out. But if you want to get depressed, check this out, especially the last 2 paragraphs. Or this. What a mess...

Germany's election is today (Sunday) and it is very close. It shouldn't be - unemployment is over 11%.

Afghanistan is also having an election, albeit it in the face of much more challenge. It's wonderful to see how dedicated so many are to the (new) idea of democracy.

You wouldn't know it, but our soliders are actually killing people in Afghanistan. And they are good at it too. Way to go JTF2 boys! But of course, that makes them complicit in the illegal occupation and facilitates the evil war to slaughter civilians in Iraq. How big of a loser do you have to be before you can compete with George Galloway anyway? What a misguided fool. We were at the Canadian War Museum on Friday, and it was so refreshing to see the difference our troops made in both World Wars, and how respected our soldiers have been throughout our history.

Lastly, I caught half of CTV's Terry Fox movie tonight. I wish I had voted for him for greatest Canadian. At only 18 he set out to make a difference in the world, and he truly did. No excuses, no fan fare, just heart and courage. I wish we had more like him.


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