
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

two for one

This article covers off two events of the last 24 hours:
  • Junior minister Joe Comuzzi resigned as a cabinet minister so he could vote against the same-sex bill (I know what you are thinking: we have a northern ontario economic development minister?). I guess it's admirable, but one wonders why he waited until the very last minute.

  • Stephen Harper said something that, while true, was very unwise: "The truth is, most federalist MPs will oppose this legislation."

    Yes, the bill will only pass with the support of separatists. Yes, the media has a double standard when the Cs team up with the Bloc. But it's also true that Quebecers overwhelming support this legislation, so it wouldn't matter who Quebec elected - the bill would still pass.

    Oh yeah, and the budget would only have been defeated with the help of the separatists. Isn't this retarded politics? How does saying something like that help?


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