
Canadian, U.S., and international politics; and life in general. Heck, whatever strikes my fancy...

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Martin to address nation tomorrow

More here. Looks desparate to me. And no cameras apparently - it's closed to the media (Pool camera only). The other parties are going to be given time by CBC to respond. Funny line:

Susan Bonner points out that the address will be going up against Extreme Makeover and Survivor.

And there is tons of great stuff at Tons. Among other things, he thinks the conservatives will win a majority in the next election, and he torches Goodale, Dingwall, Howard Hampton, and others. This is such a fun time to blog about politics. Finally, the Cs introduced a notice of motion that could lead to a non confidence vote in early May. Anothe great line:
"Holding a national crisis type address tomorrow? This isn't a national crisis. This is a Paul Martin Liberal party crisis he's dealing with." -- Peter MacKay


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